Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Best Idea I Ever Had

Unless you’ve been living underneath a rock for the past year or so[1], you’ve probably realized that pop culture has become obsessed with two things:


It's a little known fact that draculas are huge fan's of the Michael Jackson's body of work, and have to dance the Thriller dance upon first awaking from their unholy slumber each night.

And polygamy

In the immortal words of Big Daddy Kane: Pimpin'. Ain't. Easy.

It’s nearly impossible to turn on your televisions, open a book, or visit a movie theatre without seeing a dracula or family who believes in the principal of plural marriage. Shows like True Blood and the Twilight[3]t novels and films have made draculas cooler than ever. Heck one of my favorite bands is actually named Vampire Weekend[4]. And books and shows like The 19th Wife, Big Love, and The Lonely Polygamist have made it ok to bring up polygamy at the dinner table for the first time in, well, ever[5].

Let’s face it people, draculas and polygamy are concepts that most people consider “sexy”[6], so it just makes sense that they would be experience a few fleeting moments of popularity. That being said, I’ve decided to through my name in the pot and cash-in on the bandwagon while the cashin’-in is good. I’ve come up with an idea. An idea guaranteed to make me a millionaire[7].

So I said to myself: "Self, what would happen if there was s TV program about a family of dracula polygamists?This led me to my idea: I’ve decided to created a show about band of polygamist vampires who live in the Arizona desert called Love Sucks.

The show will be about a man named D.R. Acula[8], who is living on a polygamist compound in Arizona. They were originally part of a group of traveling Mormons in the 1800’s who were attacked by a caravan of traveling draculas in the Arizona desert. D.R. and his 4 wives spend their days[9] running from Dracula-hunters and a legal system that doesn’t understand their way of life. While dodging stakes and legal persecution, they also search for people that they can convert to their blood-sucking polygamist lifestyle.

D.R. Acula will be matching wits with the sheriff of Bloodlust[10], one Sheriff Vann Helzing[11] who suspects the Acula clan of not only dabbling in polygamy, but of being unholy children of the night. The first season will be based around Halzing’s quest to find out the truth about the Acula’s. This will eventually culminate in the season finale, in which D.R. turns Halzing’s daughter into his 5th wife. DRAMA!!!

So there you have it. That’s my idea, and it’s a darn good one. And if you don’t like it, you’re just hatin’ because you didn’t think of it first!!!

Disclamer: I also feel that I should pause at this juncture to remind everyone that this bloggeration is meant to thrizzle[12], not offend. I realize that some of the things I’ve said here could be construed as offensive or culturally insensitive. I very rarely mean anything I say through this particular venue, and this is no exception. Should you find yourself offended at any point during the reading of this, do not blame me. Blame your own smallminded world view instead.

Ya’ll stay classy… wherever ya’ll is…

Blakely A-dam Sumner

[1] Or you hate popular culture, or you’re my grandmother.

[2] Or “vampires” if you are some sort of philistine who refuses to accept the fact that I insist on referring to bloodsucking creatures of the night as draculas. You’re rigid inability to accept change disgusts me, and I spit in your general direction.

[3] I’m team Jacob by the way. I don’t even know what that means, but I know that I mean it.

[4] I’m such a poser. Everyone knows Vampire Weekend stopped being cool two years ago.

[5] Important Note: I probably wouldn’t bring up polygamy at Sunday supper unless you make it completely clear that you are talking about one of the shows I mentioned above. Otherwise, your family might think that you have some desire to get freaky.

[6] Note how I used quotes around the word sexy to distance my self from the people who feel this way. I personal think bloodsuckers are gross, and don’t even get me started on polygamy. Yuck… just… yuck.

[7] And lest you get any funny ideas, I’ve already mailed a copy of my idea to myself. In polite circles this is known as a “redneck copyright”. And while the legality of this concept is often debated, it’s the method that I have chosen to safeguard my work from you vultures. So please, don’t steal my ideas.

[8] Get it, D.R. Acula? Dracula? It’s quite clever… when you think about it.

[9] Or should I say nights? Did I mention how clever I am?

[10] Did I forget to mention that the name of the town is Bloodlust?

[11] Get it? Van Helzing… Van Hellsing? I can’t help but revel in my own cleverness.

[12] thrizzle = entertain

Friday, July 16, 2010

An important post

Dear Facebook friends,

Never suggest a page, cause, game, or website to me, especially if suggesting that page will somehow help you gain something in whatever game it is your suggesting to me. I don't care about your farm, the status of your mafia, the fact that you need my help to become a 10th level mage, or that their are fetal felines in France with fantastical farts who need my prayers to lower their gas level. I mock you openly for wasting my time, and hope that you have diarrhea this weekend.

Ya'll stay classy... wherever ya'll is...

P.S. At some point this weekend, I'm going to post a bloggeration that will cahnge your LIFE. Or at least make you belly laugh for 2 and a half minutes.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thangs You Cain't Live Without

A note before I begin: I think I’ve figured out how one can comment on this artfully written bloggeration without subscribing. Please try and let me know if you can comment without subscribing (via Facebook if you can’t comment).

Hi friends. I know, it’s been a long time since I bloggerated about any of the various and sundry topics that cross my nasty mind to bloggerate about. I apologize for that, and I hope you’ll be able to forgive my many shortcomings and faults. The reason why I wasn’t able to put words to interweb lately during the past week is because I took a short trip home to visit my parents during the gap before I started my new big boy job[1].

The trip was nice, and it allowed me to see the rents while experience the vast beauty of the dirty south[2]. It also gave me multiple opportunities to do one of my favorite things of all time: peruse the Skymall Magazine for pappy crap of all types!!!

Sub-bloggeration: Hell is real place my friends, and it can be located within the bowels of the Houston George Bush International Airport. In my limited flying experience, I have never encountered an airport so difficult to navigate.

Also, there is a Devil, and he is known as Continental Airlines. They are, without a doubt, the rudest air provider of all times. Also, they felt the need to place me next to stinky teenage boys and jerkholes on all my flights. I do not support your insensitive ways, and I will never fly your unfriendly skies again.

End Sub-bloggeration

If you’ve never had the opportunity see the vast selection of items available in the Skymall Magazine, I would encourage you to take a flight somewhere just so you can see what all the hubbub is about[3]. Skymall Magazine is great because, much like Brookstone, they sell all the crap you never really needed.

Here’s a few examples of some of the stuff I found this time around:

24 Karat Gold Recordable CDs

MAM-A 24K Gold Archive CD-R Discs, 10-pack Jewel Case
"As Nasty as they Wanna Be" never sounded morse expensive!

For years, I’ve wanted to send all my friends and family members a copy of 2 Live Crew’s magnum opus As Nasty As they Wanna Be[4], but I couldn’t find anything to record a copy of the album onto that was worthy of the Crew. At with 24K gold CDs, I finally have the means to record copies of all the best albums I own to send to those I love the most[5].

Gravity Defyer Shoes

Oh Peter... That's nasty...

These shoes are, theoretically, designed to take some of the strain off of your feet by essentially putting a trampoline in the heel of your shoe. My only question is (and forgive me for possibly being nasty): why did they have to make the logo for the shoe look like a single sperm? It’s quite unsettling.

The Titanium Wallet

At last… a wallet made of solid metal! The perfect gift for the man with more money than sense!!! Or for the man who doesn't know the difference between a wallet and a money clip!

The Wrist Cell Phone Carrier

Wrist Cell Phone Carrier

Possibly the stupidest item ever invented. God created pants pockets for a reason people[6]. If you’re incapable of carrying your cell phone by any other means than this, you probably don’t deserve to have one anyway. Also, you’re begging to be mocked and robbed by everyone you encounter.

Bigfoot the Garden Yeti Statue

Okay… this is actually kind of cool. And it would church up any yard.


I don’t know what it does exactly, but I do know that if you’re willing to wear one that you most likely deserve everything you get in life.

Well, there it is folks… several items I (and most likely you) can’t live with out. Enjoy them, and enjoy the Skymall Magazine on your next trip to visit Aunt Sally in Kansas.

Ya’ll stay classy… wherever ya’ll is…

Blakely A-dam Sumner

[1] I realize that my parents have an Internet connection, but I felt that my time was best spent with my parents. If you don’t understand, well then screw you.

[2] It’s dirtier than ever… and hot as balls.

[3] Or you could just visit if you’re cheap and don’t care about the revitalization of our struggling economy.

[4] And believe me, they wanna be real nasty.

[5] You’re welcome by the way.

[6] And, contrary to popular belief, it wasn’t just so I would always have a readily available napkin.