Friday, July 16, 2010

An important post

Dear Facebook friends,

Never suggest a page, cause, game, or website to me, especially if suggesting that page will somehow help you gain something in whatever game it is your suggesting to me. I don't care about your farm, the status of your mafia, the fact that you need my help to become a 10th level mage, or that their are fetal felines in France with fantastical farts who need my prayers to lower their gas level. I mock you openly for wasting my time, and hope that you have diarrhea this weekend.

Ya'll stay classy... wherever ya'll is...

P.S. At some point this weekend, I'm going to post a bloggeration that will cahnge your LIFE. Or at least make you belly laugh for 2 and a half minutes.

1 comment:

  1. thank you. i feel exactly the same. i hope they get the burning butt hole right along with that diarrhea.
