Friday, April 23, 2010


I'm going to do something I don't typically do in my blog: use my powers to shamelessly plug a product. I know. You're shocked. You didn't come here to listen to me shill a variety of products... yet here we are. I should be ashamed, but I'm not. I'm not guided by man's laws. His ethos and moral boundries mean nothing to me. Nothing. Besides... No ones making you read this. If you don't like the fact that I'm holding you hostage to my whims you're welcome to go read other, crappier blogs.

That being typed. Let the shilling begin.

If you only purchase or download one CD this week/month/quarter/year, make sure it's the new album by Night Driving in Small Towns called Serial Killer.

It is, quite honestly, the best album I've gotten in quite some time. There are a myriad of things you can do while listening to Serial Killer, including:

1.) Going on a fancytown yacht cruise
This album was made to be played through a yacht's sound system

2.) Composing a journal entry
I know Jane's left us forever Mr. Fluffn'stuff... but this Night Driving album makes the pain go down nice and smooth.

3.) Attend a party, kegger, broo ha ha, box social, get together, youth rally, dance, shin dig, celebration, gala ball, occasion, soiree, affair... or whatever the kids are calling them these days
Everyone knows the party doesn't really start until Jeffey is well into juice-box number three.

4.) Root for your favorite sporting team
In same circles, the Albany Polecats of Albany, Ga. are looked upon with the same sort of awe and respect as the Toronto Raptors

5.) Plot your revenge
The Harlem Boys Choir had plans to kick Buffalo's lilly white butts this year. Kick em' hard. No one disrespects the Harlem Boys Choir. No one.

6.) Cook a delicious ham.
Ok... I admit this picture was in bad taste... but it still made me chuckle. Don't judge me.

7.) Visit your grandmother
Jimmy... I disagree with every choice you've made in your life to date... but your taste in music is impeccable.

8.) Adopt a kitten
The fact that snowball is drinking a milkshake is made even more adorable by how good this album is!

9.) Read a comic book or other piece of fine literature

10.) Goof off on the Internet

In short, there's really isn't anything you can't do while listening to this album. It's wonderful. Your eardrums will thank you.

The album is available through a wide variety of outlets, most notably iTunes, or by going to, the Lower 40 Records Website, or You can also find them on the internet via their website, facebook, or myspace page. The album is awesome. I can't say enough good things about it. I'd say that even if I wasn't friends with yhr lead singer. These guys are awesome.

Note about the links: Clicking the link will take you directly to the spot on the interweb where you can purchase the album. It'll change your life.

Sidebar designed to ease my own conscience: Please don't illegally download the album. Illegally downloading the album takes money out of the pockets of the artists. Which takes food out of their mouths. Sure, if these guys were world renowned superstars like Michael Bolton, I'd say pirate away. But since they're struggling artists I feel the need to remind you all that every time you illegally download an album from the interweb, a kitten contracts feline AIDS. Please, don't contribute to the epidemic of feline aids. It's too sad.

Ya'll stay classy... where ever ya'll is...

Blakely A-dam Sumner


  1. Dude.. the picture of the pig is horrible. Have some respect!

    And yes, GO BUY THE ALBUM! I got it on Tuesday and have been thoroughly enjoying it :) Andrea's voice is ridiculous.

  2. Everybody knows I listen to NDIST when I watch radar!

  3. Nick... I was really hoping you were going to say that it's the only album you listen to while you listen to Golden Earring's "Radar Love". That would've made me laugh like a small girl.

  4. No, I listen to Boston's "More Than A Feeling" when I listen to Golden Earring's "Radar Love." NDIST is more of a Mountain Goats simulcast. Yet to hear the whole record though (don't have $10 that's not budgeted to whiskey, yet), but really, really want to hear the whole thing. What?! I'm really freaking poor here!

    Also, ham is delicious regardless of the accompanying graphic.
