Monday, March 15, 2010

Alas poor sofa... I (almost) knew you well

In preparation for our big cross country move, we are selling off a lot of the furniture that we have that we don't need anymore or don't want anymore. One of the things that we're getting rid of is the sofa that I used to have in my Crimesimmee mansion. This sofa is the finest of 1985 trailer park sofa. I paid all of 180 dollars for it back in 2005, and it has served as my throne lo these many years.

The thing about the sofa is that it's ugly, like most trailer park furniture, but it's the most comfortable sofa you will ever have the privilege of napping upon on a Saturday afternoon. So, when we got the call that the sofa was up for sale... well... a little piece of me died.

I know it's silly, but I always thought that big blue (A.K.A. Ole' Bluey, A.K.A. Bluecifer) would be with me always. I even harbored dreams that I would someday own a yacht (That I would name "Pimpin' the Most", out of respfiect for my favorite musician of all times Kid Rock) that I could put ole' bluey on the front of and sit upon as I sail into the glorious sunset of my latter years. doesn't make sense to move the sofa... so I began to make preparations for the sofa shaped void I knew was going to be in my heart soon. I had one last goodbye nap, said a few words and then wept quietly while Kansas's Dust In the Wind played softly on my iPod. I assumed in time that the heartache would subside, and after 10 minutes of being inconsolable... I moved on with my life.

But then the dude who was going to buy the sofa never showed! I know I should be grateful that I've got Blucifer in my life for even a few days more... but every time I try to nestle myself in her cobalt embrace... all I can think about is my loss. The hurts too much!
So, with that... I say: Goodbye sofa! I can't go where you're going, but you'll always be sailing atop the good ship "Pimpin' the Most" that lives in my heart!!!

I'm so sad I could barely see beyond the tears to hit the publish post button.

Blakely A-dam Sumner