Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Random Questions to the Readers

Hi Friends. It's me... Blakely A-dam Sumner. And... I'm feeling a little lazy tonight. I know I should post a blog with witty banter in which I talk about things that I notice in life that are a little left of center... but... I got nothing...

WAIT! I take it back! I did see a Dodge Charger with Lamborghini doors at the grocery store this afternoon! That's when you know you're living in fancytown folks! When you take a 25,000 dollar car and then spend way too much so that the doors open unconventionally... that's... pretty awesome. Right? Right?

Ok... so I got nothing really, but I know I need to post... so I thought I'd share a few of the things that I'm digging right now, and give you the opportunity to share at the end of the lecture. You guys ready (this is going to be so much fun!!!)

Favorite C/Band (at the moment): I and Love and You by the Avett Brothers
Reasons why this is awesome: A.) the lady on the cover is SEXXY B.) I love any band that uses a banjo prominently in most songs, but still has elements of Kobainesque screams. It's guaranteed to change your life. C.) Every track is good. This rarely happens in music these days.

Favorite TV Show on Home Video: The Prisoner
Why it's awesome: B/c it's almost as confusing as lost, but with a 1960s sensibility! The premise of the show is that a secret agent quits the government agency that he works for without reason. As he is trying to escape, he is captured by an unknown group (it may be his own govt, it may be an enemy agency) and awakes on an island filled with other Prisoners. Each Prisoner has a number instead of a name, the powers that be are never revealed, and the only thing that ever stops you from escaping is a giant inflatable balloon. Sound werid? IT IS, AND I LUV IT!

Favorite Movie: Sadly, the last movie I saw that I really liked was the Dark Knight... or Possibly the last Harry Potter flick. I got nothing to say... they're jsut good movies.

Favorite Book (Currently): Eating the Dinosaur by Chuck Klosterman. His essay about time travel and Kalvinism alone should have you hooked.

Favorite Words: Plimpin', Snap, Delicious, Lucious

Favorite Activities: Mean Mugs & Shoulder Shrugs

Favorite Overused Cliche: It is what it is...

What about you guys? What are your favorite things right now???


  1. What about ''foible''? Don't you have a thing for words with the "oi" sound?
    And what the HELL is that last pic?!?!
